X.Hernandez carried out the following POI pack : “Role playing” shops in France !
This pack was originally posted on the http://www.tomtomheaven.com site.
Thank you to the author! Thank you to Régis for the garmin conversion.

19th Feb 2012

Seb77 carried out the following POI pack : “La trinitaine” shops !
A greedy special pack, shops “La trinitaine” are specialized in famous french biscuits!
Cheer and thank you with the author! Thank you to Régis for garmin conversion.

4th Feb 2012

If you want to convert your png file to srf file (garmin format), you can do it online or compile a C program to do it directly on your computer.
You just need a gcc compiler, the png library installed with include and the following sources in C language.
You will be able to convert png to srf and srf to png.
Enjoy !

6th Mar 2011