In Batman Begins (2005), Bruce Wayne utilizes the prototype vehicle known as “the Tumbler” designed by Wayne Enterprises’ Applied Sciences Division as a bridging vehicle for the military. It includes weaponry and the ability to boost into a rampless jump.
5th Jun 2013
Batman is a fictional character created by the artist Bob Kane and writer Bill Finger. A comic booksuperhero, Batman first appeared in Detective Comics #27 (May 1939), and since then has appeared in many of DC Comics’ publications. Originally referred to as “the Bat-Man” and still referred to at times as “the Batman“, he is additionally known as “The Caped Crusader“,[2] “The Dark Knight“,[2] “The Darknight Detective“,[2] and “The World’s Greatest Detective“.[2]
28th Feb 2011
Tags: Batman, Batwing, bill finger, booksuperhero, Dark, dc comics, detective comics, Garmin, ship, the artist Bob Kane
“The Batmobile is the automobile of DC Comics superhero Batman. The car has evolved along with the character from comic books to television and films.[1] Kept in the Batcave, which it accesses through a hidden entrance, the Batmobile is a gadget-laden vehicle used by Batman in his crime fighting activities.”
19th Feb 2011